Mindfulness-Based Therapy

What can mindfulness based therapy help with?

  • Depression and anxiety
  • Food and eating issues
  • Low mood and negative thoughts
  • Body sensations and physical manifestations of anxiety

If you can relate to any of the above issues, mindfulness-based therapy may be right for you. Mindfulness helps people separate themselves from their thoughts and moods, and teaches them how to recognize their sense of being. It also aims to give participants the necessary tools to combat depressive symptoms as they arise. Not all mindfulness tools work with everyone. Integrating mindfulness into counseling/therapy allows you to benefit from customizing or changing the tools so they match your needs rather than risking trying on your own a technique that worked for others but may not work for you.

 If you or someone you know may benefit from mindfulness-based therapy, you are welcome to reach out for a free consultation.